Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's day World from me Gloria

This is a photo I created intending to crop it a bit but I had so much trouble using my own SD card on my own equipment that I consider myself lucky to be able to add it at all. If this goes well, I might add some of the art I created and photographed today also.

Also, the Super Bowl was bad news for Kansas City Chiefs as world knows. I think the chiefs were star struck and the opposing quarterback had years more experience. That Bucs' quarterback Tom Brady proved that age is just a number in a world where numbers are everywhere.

I, Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, writer,and once-upon-a-time-tweeter until I got suspended for no reason and with no warning prior to that event. Since that was their modus operandi, I decided that Twitter is too unpredictable and too prejudiced against white, prolife, women to worry about it. I reason I am in good company because President Trump also got suspended and so did the nephew of John F Kennedy. So it's an elite club to be suspended from Twitter for using words they don't like. Twitter is the thought police now it seems.

I hope this photo looks all right. I photographed it myself with my camera and with a slghtly bit different technique than usual.

I hope people who still believe in love are having a happy valentine's day. It is snowing here in Springfield Missouri, and the polar vortex is in full control, or rather I should say GOD is in control of the weather and we humans must learn to adapt to it.

Posted on 14th Feb 2021 by me Gloria Poole, RN,artist;Springfield Missouri from my apartment with some of my equipment. Update by me Gloria a few minutes later to add my watercolor sketch of the Missouri cone flower that I drew yesterday and signed, and photographed today, and copyrighted, and uploaded: