Friday, September 10, 2021

Wahoo! Thanks Google! You saved my blog again and art I painted

This posting today has required effort! The enemies of human life never quit harassing the prolife citizens of these so-called " United States" which have never been more divided in my entire lifetime! I drew and painted the above sketch and hand-wrote the copyrght notice also. I have more than one computer thankfully and more than one telephone for a reason.

The sketch was my practice trying to improve my drawing of perspective so that art has a three dimensional look to it. I think it requires a lifetime of effort to acquire the state of "master artist"but I keep trying to improve.

I also photographed those two with my big camera and uploaded them and posted them today 10th Sept 2021 at 7:08am, using my own equipment and my own art I created. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: you viewers may look at my art as often as you like, but you may not download it,nor copy it,nor reproduce it,nor print it,nor store it to your disks, nor in any way represent yourselves as being an "associate", or "partner"or "co-worker"or "boss"of mine. I, Gloria Poole, own all copyrights in U S, E.U. and U. K law to all art/paintings/words/blogs/tweets/sketches/drawings/essays/articles/poems/graphics/"clip art"/ designs I create, whether or not I photograph them and whether or not I post them publicly anywhere, regardless of what tool/brush/pen/pencil/digital ink/inks/method/technique/style/genre I use.

For the record: I am not an employee of anyone. I create art in my own private apartment in Springfield Missouri,and I use my own computers/chromebook/tablets/smartphones/feature phones/routers/wired internet into my apartment when I post it.

Posted today 10th Sept 2021 at 7:15am by me Gloria Poole and I am also a Registered Nurse for most of my life; and an artist in all mediums, and a writer, blogger, cartoonist, photographer at times. I, Gloria, posted this from my own private apartment in Springfield Missouri, using my own equipment as usual. I add this statement for law enforcment since T-Mobile alerted me I was hacked in late August 2021, and I am still trying to regain control of my telephones/and my name, and my accounts. I also have ATandT and U S Cellular phone(s). I have several phones on various telcos for my safety sake, but also for other reasons. I learned the hard way that the default for some companies is to publish the numbers without even asking if that is wise. I am not secretive but I am very cautious in answering unknown numbers because the FBI says that is unwise behaviour. If you want to contact me and you are not planning to assassinate me, you can email me at either gloriapoole at gmail or at gpoole817 at gmail; or other emails of mine if you know them, e.g. on yahoo. I have Microsoft emails too but they always try to prevent me using MY OWN REAL, BORN WITH, PUBLIC RECORD NAME. Microsoft seems to be the enemy of white women. Please identify yourself in subject line.