Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Farmer sketch first sketch

This is my sketch I drew and painted and named "Farmer". I also added this to another blog of mine, but then realized I had redone the sketch some and rephotographed it so it might not be identical. This is the first version of that sketch. I changed the beams some and the floor under cow some when I repainted it. I have another sketch almost done too, that I will add to another blog soon.

,P> Also, see my blog at for today's post.

Copyright : I Gloria Poole own all rights to the art I create and to the words I write. I have the originals I create in most cases. A few of my paintings were stolen from me when I put them into a storage facility in St Simons Island GA, yrs ago. When I went to get my stuff, all the paintings were gone. That was about 10 paintings and I have photos in print form [developed at retail] of those.And I sold about 3 paintings in the late 1990's. But haven't marketed them for sale since then.

Gloria Poole aka Gloria in cursive on paintings and sketches and drawings; [sometimes with my last name also]; gloriapoole; gpoole817; gloria0817; Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapooleRN; gloriapoole1749; and also gloria.poole;gloria_poole; gloria poole; gloria-poole; and other ways with my name in it. My real name is Gloria Poole and I was born in the state of Georgia; and live in Missouri since Oct 2009; but lived in several other places also. I am a white, single, Christian, republican, prolife woman.

Also, I have other blogs including :; and; and; and the links on all sites/blogs for more of my art I create and my content.

Gloria Poole; @ my apt in Missouri 17-July-2013 @ 8:05am.